Friday, September 27, 2019

Define Finkelstein reaction with examples and Stereo chemistry of Finkelstein reactions .

Define Finkelstein reaction with examples.

This is the very important reaction of organic chemistry for the preparation iodo alkane. 

When chloro or bromo alkane are heated with the concentrated mixture solution of acetone and NaI,iodo alkane is obtained, then the reaction is called Finkelstein reaction

This is an example of halogen or halide exchange reaction .

The reaction follow the SN2 reaction mechanism  and  I– ion acts as anucleophile

Since the reaction follow the SN2 reaction mechanism, therefore the starting alkyl halide should be primary or 1 so that the reaction will proceed easily and the product  is satisfactory.

In Finkelstein reaction, dry acetone is used as a solvent.Acetone is a polar aprotic solvent. Example of  Finkelstein reaction is shown below,

Mechanism of Finkelstein reaction .

What is the function of acetone in Finkelstein reaction  ?

In Finkelstein reaction ,dry acetone is used as a solvent. Acetone is a polar aprotic solvent . 

In acetone medium, NaI is soluble but NaCl is insoluble because the negative charge on oxygen atom of acetone is repelled with the negative charge of Cl atom .

 As a result NaCl is easily precipitate in acetone .This precipitate of NaCl is removed from the product mixture by which forward reaction takes place. The example is given above.

Which halogen will be replace in Finkelstein reaction between bromine and chlorine in 1-bromo-4-chloro methyl benzene?  

In 1-bromo-4-chloro methyl benzene, bromine is a good leaving group than chlorine. So, in Finkelstein reaction normally the replace of bromine should be more feasible than chlorine. 

But the lone pair of bromine atom takes part in resonance with the pi electron of benzene ring . 
As a result C –Br gets doublebond character . So the replace of bromine by nucleophile is not possible easily.

Therefore instead of bromine ,chlorine atom is replaced by nucleophile , resulting in the formation of 1-bromo-4-iodo methyl benzene  .

Why chlorine or bromine is replaced by iodine in Finkelstein reaction  in spite of C –Cl, C –Br bond is more stronger than C –I bond?

The C –Cl, C –Br bond is more stronger than C –I bond, yet in Finkelstein reactions ,breaking of strong bond C – Cl or C –Br and making of weak bond C – I  takes place. 

Because in dry acetone solvent NaI is soluble, but NaCl and NaBr are insoluble. Being insoluble in acetone NaCl and NaBr are precipitated. 

This precipitate continuously removed from the reaction mixture . So the reaction change into forward reaction . That is the reaction is thermo-dynamically feasible

For this reason, chlorine or bromine is replaced by iodine in Finkelstein reaction  in spite of C–Cl, C–Br bond is more stronger than C –I bond.

Is Finkelstein reactions are thermodynamically favorable ?

In Finkelstein reactions ,breaking of strong bond C – Cl or C–Br and making of weak bond C – I  takes place. 
So the reaction should be thermo-dynamically unfavorable , but actually the reaction is thermo-dynamically favorable.

This fact depends on the solubility of NaI andNaCl in acetone solvent . It has been experimentally found that NaI is completely soluble in acetone solvent but NaCl is insoluble. 
So NaCl is precipitated which is continuously removed from the solution . 

Consequently, the forward reaction takes place . Therefore Finkelstein reactions are thermo-dynamically favorable.

Stereo chemistry of Finkelstein reactions.

The Finkelstein reactions follow the SN2 reaction mechanism. So the product must be inversion of configuration . 

For example, when S-2-chloro butane under goes  Finkelstein reactions the expected product is R-2-iodo butane.

What will be happen when S-2-iodo butane under goes Finkelstein reactions ?

The Finkelstein reactions follow the SN2 reaction mechanism . So when S-2-iodo butane under goes Finkelstein reactions , the resulting product  would be R-2-iodo butane .

 At the starting point the concentration of R-2-iodo butane is zero . But after some time the concentration of R-2-iodo butane gradually increases and the concentration of S-2-iodo butane gradually decreases. 

Because after few minute the nucleophile I–attack the product R-2-iodo butane and forms S-2-iodo butane. That the reaction is reversible . 

After a certain time the concentration of reactants and products will be same . 

This condition is called equilibrium condition. Under this condition the product is racemic mixture . So overall the reaction mixture is optically inactive. 


What is Finkelstein reaction  with examples ?
What is the function of acetone in Finkelstein reaction  ?
Which halogen will be replace in Finkelstein reaction between bromine and chlorine in 1-bromo-4-chloro methyl benzene  ?  
Why chlorine or bromine is replaced by iodine in Finkelstein reaction  in spite of C –Cl, C –Br bond is more stronger than C –I bond ?
Is Finkelstein reactions are thermodynamically favorable ?
What will be happen when S-2-iodo butane under goes Finkelstein reactions?

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