Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Actinide contraction-definition-causes-consequences in chemistry

Actinide contraction definition in chemistry

The atomic and ionic radii of the actinide elements gradually decreases as we move from thorium to lawrencium along actinide series.
Thus,on going from Th 3+to Lr 3+ ion ,the ionic radius  decrease from 109 pm to 98 pm . There is also a steady decrease in the radii of An 4+ ion [ An = actinide ] .

This steady decrease in atomic and ionic radii with increasing atomic number of actinide elements that is, positive nuclear charge , is called actinide contraction and  it is analogous to lanthanide contraction.
Actinide contraction definition in chemistry

Although ,in case of actinide elements, the contraction of volume from one element to another is higher than lanthanide element.

Because of the poor shielding or screening effect of 5f-orbital than 4f-orbital.
The actinide contraction is also known as  f or 5f- contraction.

causes of actinide contraction

The common electronic configuration of actinide elements is 5f 1-14 6d 0-1 7s 2 .

In actinide series elements , the differentiating electrons entered into the inner 5f –orbital  by one at each step from actinium to lawrencium  along actinide series .

Now , the shielding or screening effect of ‘5f’-orbital is very much less than ‘s’ , ‘p’ even than that of ‘d’-orbital . This is due to the shape of ‘5f’-orbital.
causes of actinide contraction

Hence the effective nuclear charge increases by one at each step .
Consequently , the inward pull experienced by the 5f electrons increases.

As a result , the size of the entire 5f n shell reduces . The sum of the successive reductions  gives the actinide contraction.

Consequences of actinide contraction

Most of the actinide elements are man made, except Ac, Th , Pa , U. They are formed by the nuclear reaction. These elements are called trans uranic elements.

However, due to actinide contraction , the ionic size of the actinide elements are almost same . For this reason, separation of actinide elements from each other is difficult .

For example, separation of Ac, Th , Pa and U elements to each other from uranium ores  are not so easy .
Again, due to actinide contraction, the ionic size from Ac 3+ to Lr 3+ along actinide series gradually decreases.

As a result, the covalency of the compounds of actinide metal elements increases from left to right along actinide series.

That is, the compounds of lawrencium are most covalent and the compounds of actinium are least covalent .

Why is Ac ( OH )3 more basic than Cf ( OH )3?

It has been experimentally found that with increasing atomic number , the atomic and ionicsize of actinide elements gradually decreases from  actinium to lawrencium due to actinium contraction.

As a result, the covalent properties of actinide metal hydroxide compounds  regularly increases [according to Fajan’s rule,]from actinium to lawrencium.

Why is Ac ( OH )3 more basic than Cf ( OH )3 ?

That is , Cf ( OH )3 is more covalent than Ac ( OH )3 . Now , with increasing covalent character, their basic property decreases .
Consequently, Ac ( OH )3 is more basic than Cf ( OH )3 .

Why is Actinide contraction more effective than Lanthanide contraction?


Like lanthanide elements, the atomic radius and ionic radius of actinide elements regularly decreases with increase in atomic number.

In the case of actinide series, the amount of volume contraction from one element to another is greater than that of lanthanide elements.


This is because the screening effect of the 5f subshell is less than that of the 4f subshell.


It has been experimentally found that 4f orbital is more penetrating than 5f sub shell towards nucleus.

For this reason, the electrons in the 4f subshell are more covered by the electrons in the outer subshell.

The 5f subshell, on the other hand, extends so far outward toward the outside of the atom that it exceeds the 6s and 6p subshell.

Consequently, the shielding effect of the 5f subshell is less than that of the 4f subshell. Therefore, actinide contraction is more effective than lanthanide contraction. 


Actinide contraction definition in chemistry
causes of actinide contraction
Consequences of actinide contraction
Why is Ac ( OH )3 more basic than Cf ( OH )3 

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